Saturday, September 29, 2012

Okay, All Wight

OH you are so cute when you talk, and other times but the okay, all wight, is just too much. So few words voluntarily said but these two are.

Hi, Mommy. Awww cwap, (thanks a lot, I now have Mommy guilt for that one, that your sister thought it was too funny and got you to say it a number of times....sigh.) Pewwwy the Pwatapus, and Arah for Sarah, Ewin, for Karen.

Now how do I upload a video?? Ah well blogging is not my strong point, but at least for the next Mommy struggling with a hemihypertrophy kid with still don't know what you have, I just call it NIMS for short, Nathan Isaiah Mullens Syndrome is what you have. No worries, everyone has their name and a syndrome, we are all uniquely made.

A wise woman said, "We love our son the way he is." and I do.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Speech AGAIN

Here it is Wednesday, and I am skipping speech because I forgot, and I am tired. I sit in there with Nathan and I find it rather tiring to keep driving him back and forth for 30 minutes of playing with something trying to get him to talk. He talks when he wants something.

He pushed Jay into the kitchen and got some ice cream. So when he wants something he communicates....maybe one day he'll just start talking. He talks now, sorda. Its a journey, that continues.

Friday, September 21, 2012 Orthopedic Apt.

Friday 9:30 Appointment.....which means I leave at 8:30.... get to appointment and UGH they want to take a x-ray.....yeah, a screaming child, a tired Mom.... then after the x-ray, back to the doctor, who decides Nathan does not need a lift.

Of course my son didn't exactly stand for the man, he ran to his stroller, mad, angry, and no longer willing to have anyone touch him. The man said, he seemed to move around fine. He could write him a prescription but felt Nathan will be fine with out it.

We stopped at McDonalds and got lunch as we left and to our 1:30 apt. Pediatrician said he still needs sonograms and blood test, and to bring him back in November.

Still waiting on the blood work from the Geneticist.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sigh, not much but something.....

I missed speech on Monday, no co-op for us on Tuesday as the flu bug came and went. By Wednesday we were back on schedule and at speech class. We also switched it with one woman for Monday and Wednesday at 2pm.

Today he was to play with a barn. It wasn't until the end of the class when I made him say good-bye to all the animals for a lollypop that he really did much. So the wondering if it is worth it to drive and go and pay, and sit, the old time, energy, and money thing. I don't know if is worth it. He's playing right now and does with Peter more. Peter talks up a storm.

Tomorrow we leave for 2 doctors apt.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Co-op Pre-school Class

Nathan now attends preschool for three year olds on Tuesday afternoon. He'll do this for a total of 9 weeks.

Yesterday was his first class. Did I mention, I teach this class from 1-2 and then from 3-4. We have 14 kids in this class. Really we have 12 but two were extras while their Mom worked.

We did circle time. Nathan never got to circle time. I didn't have time to discipline him as it would of disrupted a group of kids who are just learning about circle time. I called their names and tried to get them to raise their hands. Nathan never did this, like he used to for his old teacher. Maybe he only did this when he wanted something. I'll have to ask her.

We did playdough red and then yellow, tried to get the kids to make snakes and balls. Then had them mix the colors to make orange. Knowing tis the season for kids to be germy the playdough went home with them. I'll make new playdough for next week.

My favorite playdough recipe.

1 cup flour
1 cup salt
4 TBS Cream of Tarter
2 TBS oil
1 cup Water
Food color or kool-aid pack for color and smell.

Stir on stove careful not to burn.

I attempted to read a story. This didn't go over well. By 2pm these kids should be lying down for a rest period many are still napping. I know Nathan fell asleep at 2pm-3pm. When I came back, we did playtime outside from 3-3:40ish....then a bit of sing, spell, read, and worked but Nathan is not interested in learning. He did well to play and touch the playdough. He's clingy to me, which is fine.

Tomorrow he'll attend Classical Conversations and interact with other children. His older sister will be with him. I hope he behaves.

On Friday, I might meet with other Mom's of preschoolers for two hours. Today I am going to set up a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in his room and see how he does with talking about that. Perfect timing as I am done with my thoughts about this child and Mickey Mouse is just coming on television.

1:30 is his second speech class. Wonder what we will be working on today.

Speech Therapy Monday at 8:30 am.

Is speech a problem with kids who have hemihypertrophy? Nathan does, so it is a huge focus. I am not sure if he has another syndrome or if he just behind. He is saying more words all the time. Apple, NO, please and attempts to say the word if he wants the object.

His first speech class was a toy on the table. It had a set of keys, he had to unlock the doors with the right colored key and the object was that he would make the animal sound. He did some...he said locked, and abrir (spanish for open). Yes, Nathan loves Dora.

The Speech teacher then pulled objects out of a bag and tried to get him to say something. He spoke a bit, but you can't really comprehend this child's speech if he is talking. He mimics the television set.

Speech last a 1/2 hour. He was pretty good, until the lollipop for Peter had to be given. Then he screamed because he wanted two.