A few more weeks until age 5!! I hate that I am thinking only 3 more years of sonograms and blood tests and then the risk for Wilm's tumor drops off and they treat him like a normal child at his check ups, except the minor leg length issues. And a few other issues.
Cell growth, sigh such an important thing we take for granted. As I look at cancer and what it does to lives, I am amazed at the things it also causes and I know it wasn't what God planned, but He is in the planning.
Way back when I was a teenager I remember a man who got cancer, he and I had a bond of a song called "Someday". He's long since passed away but I think about him when I think of this song.
I can't find the words to the song on the internet, strange. The song goes on about all the questions you'd ask God because you don't have the answers to them. Life is like this with Nate, I don't have the answers with Nate I am constantly searching but in the journey I find myself looking more to God, so he points me in the right direction. I don't have the answers for this kid, but I know God knows every hair on his head.