A birth like no other birth I have had. My birthing story of Nathan is one of wonder for me. I was 39 at the time. It was an incredible experience, like I had wanted with my others, except that I was in a hospital. My midwife was wonderful. Nathan was born not long after getting to the hospital. His cord was wrapped around his neck, (nothing new, this happened for some of my other children, one son it was four times around his neck. The only difference with Nathan his cord was in a knot, the midwife made a point of showing me this, once again I was amazed that the cord was long enough to do all these things and not kill the child, others are not so fortunate. I am not sure if a knot in the cord can cause problems but it is something to look at.)
As I held him that first night. I had decided to stay. It was cold outside, very cold, and I was asked by the pediatrician to stay, so I did. I mentioned the leg being longer, but he didn't notice it. Sigh, it would be two years until I found out that my son had hemihypertrophy. I believed he was okay, nothing was wrong, my life would go back to some semblance of normal with four other children and now this added blessing of our fifth child.
Life did go into some semblance of normal. Our son is beautiful to look at, he seems bright. We just don't know what the future holds for him. It is such the unknown journey filled with doctor appointments and wondering. My Orthopedic doctor told me not to read about this disease because it would drive me crazy. He was correct, but so is the not knowing what to do. I am so glad this is my 5th and not my first child. I am relaxing and just enjoying the time he is little.
Being relaxed with Nathan, I didn't bring him to every baby appointment, measuring etc. I wish I had now, or maybe I did, I do need to read his charts one day. When did I and when did I wait for his shots. Why did it take until his 2nd birthday to get the diagnosis. I know he was there when he could walk. I know I mentioned the one leg being longer to both pediatricians and I was the one who pointed it out at the 2 year check up. It wouldn't of made a difference, his sonogram is normal. Everything checks out. Except he doesn't talk.
(yeesh, I can't find your newborn photos, somehow your 2nd cousin got thrown in with yours.)
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