9am on a Wednesday, not a good time for me, but you take what you are given. I had not forgotten, I just could not find where I had the information written down. I called when they opened at 8:30 and found that yes my memory served me correctly and I had an appointment, I was even able to find the correct place to go. Baffled by where to go, I turned on the GPS and drove to Macon.
I had to park in the parking deck. (always a joy.) I found the general location of where I needed to be. I got my son out of the van, but I DID NOT PUT THE STROLLER IN THE VAN. He had to leave his favorite toys (for the day, they switch regularly). Today it was his 10 pound train engine and a stiff plastic top of a desk with ABC's on it. Yelling, screaming, and my carrying him out of the parking garage in a fireman's carry with purse and diaper bag in tow. Once we exited the parking garage thankfully his screaming came to a halt. Oh he also did not have on a coat, long since lost his socks and his shoes that were packed, I didn't even know if they fit. I made a picture of the ever caring Mother of hey a fifth child. He had a shirt on and a pair of pants, he was clean and he was dry for the moment.
I went into one Children's hospital and looked for the neurology department, it seemed logical to me that I was in the right place...NO. 9th floor of the surgery building, so back out and into the proper place. In finding the correct room we passed The Mickey Mouse show, Nathan spotted it and didn't want to move, so I had to drag him away, but thankfully it turned out to be the room where we were to be. He remained happy while in the waiting room. Then they put us in a room to wait and be seen by the doctor. I dealt with a screaming child, sitting in front of the door he wanted to get out of as he did what he could to destroy the room.
I spoke to the doctor over Nathan and dealt with his behavior by having him stand in the corner while the doctor asked me everything they had asked me at the FIND program and less. The information he was asking was all typed in a file on my daughters IPAD. He wanted to know what words my son could say. I gave him a brief list. He gave me lab work to have run on my son. WHAT I AM ALONE GETTING BLOOD DRAWN FROM THIS CHILD. Not thrilled but wanting this part of the exam over with so we could move forward on a plan of action for Nathan I went to the lab.
Where is the lab? Make a left out of the building, another left after the child's hospital and you'll find it on your left. Oh Joy!!! Haul child, diaper bag, purse and get there. What? you want a urine sample also!!! OH JOY!! He just peed. So here I am in yet another waiting room. Nate's bored and when he is bored he runs away. Top speed down the hall way and yes there is an exit door. He did this a few times, it seemed forever until this child was called and thank God the door had a bolt on it. Now I get him to pee a bit in a cup, not enough. Sit in the room and wait, wait, wait, thinking the nurses are flipping to who gets to draw blood from this kid. Eventually a nurse knocks on the door, I open it and ask her if she lost the toss and has to draw his blood, she was puzzled by my insanity at this point. Eventually another nurse came in and another and another. Smart, all hands on deck for this little guy, they seem to understand this is going to be difficult, they have been here before.
Nate wants to hold the valves, smart nurse doesn't argue, just gets new one. I am thankful they seem to comprehend how to get r done. Nate screams and holds tighter to the valves instead of trying to get the needle out, I am so thrilled to only have him crying but not fighting, but sigh, his vein gives out and they need to switch arms. Poor baby realizes for a second he can touch the needle and it is hectic but he decides holding the valves is better. I believe they took about 7 valves of blood. I am trying not to watch as I cry with him, distracting him by tickling, eating his ear, pinching him (yes saw this on a dentist special once, you'll trick the nerves into focusing on another area.) Anyway we got through it. They still need urine and Nate is empty so we head to McD's to fill him up.....yeppers back to hauling child, diaper bag and purse, really missing my stroller at this point, and a pair of shoes that fit this kid. (a weekend in Atlanta with the older 4 have thrown me off for this appointment that was scheduled before Christmas, half the information is long since forgotten.)
Apple juice and lunch and the boy is back to happy go lucky guy, jumping on the bench and having a blast at McD's. I try to get him to drink a second juice but he likes his smoothy more. Time to go back and pee again, not much but I am so done. I did go from McD's to the parking garage to get my van to drive to the office after starting to go without it. Exhausted from my 3+ hours in Macon, I head home and wonder what my next adventure holds for tomorrow.
Tomorrow is here, 1. PUTTING THE STROLLER IN THE VAN!!!
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