Monday, March 5, 2012


Whew what a day that was. Now remember I am talking to other parents and the doctors have had little communication with me about this MRI, a slip was mailed, but it was lost so I had to call and find out what my son could eat. He could eat until 5am and drink clear liquids until 10am.

After loading him up on apple juice, 4 boxes and he was happy not to eat food, my Mom came from 2 plus hours away. We loaded Nate up and drove 25 minutes to the Children's hospital. It was raining of course, to add to the dreary day of doing something I wasn't used to doing.

Upon his arrival he didn't want to leave his stroller, and he hated the arm band. (they put it on his right arm which both my Mother and I thought there should be a note made to nurses that arm bands always go to the less dominate he is screaming about that.) Some cream comes out and they put a huge blob of this stuff on his arm and a plastic bubble with sealed sticky around this point I ask when he will be given gas. "Oh we don't do that." Nurse says. "well when does that happen?" Nurse,"that isn't done in this facility." Oh great so two bubble filled with gunk and that means you are all ready preparing for one needle to fail....oh this is not good!!! The nurse leaves me to think about it, umm after trying to call my husband and not getting ahold of him, I make the choice of NO, my son will not go through this so they can run an MRI.

So we left, mission not accomplished, but another one made. I am in control of what does happen to this little boy, the choices I make form his future. For now he will continue at preschool, the answers from medical stuff will have to happen one day, but for now fly my little boy and run, and play, and be happy.

Tomorrow Dr. Bray will come to your preschool and evaluate your speech and if they don't give you special classes they are idiots.

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