Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Speech Bill

Well, thank-you so much for that $300 bill for speech. Should of stopped going, insurance stopped paying and we got stuck with a bill.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dinner Time

I am learning to prep my 3 year old son for dinner time. Take away the ipad early, but there is a problem. He needs to take a nap, but I don't have time to make him take a nap, nor will he, so I let him stay up and then he crashed early 6:30.

He didn't eat much dinner, he wanted peanut butter on a spoon around 4pm, and that probably gave him enough calories. He ate very little at dinner. He cries, fussing from being tired around this time a day. Last I saw him he had stolen a lollipop from a siblings stash and was happily running away from them. Next thing I know he's asleep.